
Thanks so much for joining me in Roots & Branches as I explore the common language of those touched by adoption, in universal themes of separation, impermanence, loss, identity, quest, and reunion. In Memoir-ish Musings by Mel section, you’ll find remembrances, Japanese image poetry, slice-of-life vignettes, gardening, and nostalgia.

About the Author: Mary Ellen Gambutti is an independent author of personal stories and memoirs. Her essays and Japanese poetry have been published in many literary journals. The brain bleeds she survived at fifty-seven required lengthy rehab. Her recovery was enhanced by exploring literature, memoirs, writing courses, and opening herself to self-publishing. She and her husband share a plant hobby and have loved many rescue dogs. Timmy, their two-year-old apricot toy poodle pup is their first purebred companion. The three will retire to Tom's River, NJ this summer.

Find Mary Ellen’s work at these links: Stroke Story: My Journey There and Back, its sequel, Coming to Terms: My Journey Continues, and her creative compilation, Fortitude's Footing: Coming to Terms With Stroke, and Permanent Home: A Memory Collection. I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls is her most recent creative non-fiction memoir in autobiographical essays, epistolary, prose poems, and vignettes.

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I Must Have Wandered

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Essays, memoirs, and Japanese poetry by an adopted person from the Baby Scoop Era, a stroke survivor, and retired pro landscape gardener. Welcome all!


Author of 'I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls', 'Permanent Home: A Memory Collection', 'Stroke Story', 'Fortitude's Footing', and Japanese poetry forms. Plantsperson, retired. Justice - sensitive. An adoptee voice.