Heartbreaking but written with such tenderness. My mother was "allowed" to keep me, but she lived with the shame and stigma of being an unwed mother her entire life. She would often tell me "you don't know what it was like" when referring to those dark days.

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Thanks so much for your kind comment, Doreen, and for sharing. x

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May 10Liked by Mary Ellen Gambutti

How many parts will there be or will it evolve are you write it? A good way to start with the what but eventually want to see the who.

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Thank you for you question and comment, Jim. This piece is one of 2 segmented essays --the 2d will follow later today. To your point, my writing is always evolving. The closest to my full story is my book 'I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls.' Thanks again.

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May 10Liked by Mary Ellen Gambutti

Thank you for replying. I live with the constant awareness that others often take my cryptic responses in a negative manner assuming I meant something that I did not mean.

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May 6Liked by Mary Ellen Gambutti

Beautifully written, full of details......still my heart breaks for all those babies all alone in their cribs.

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Thank you, Diane. Yes, it's truly sad.

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May 5Liked by Mary Ellen Gambutti

Heart breaking, yet written with a tender compassion for everyone involved. XO

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Thank you so much, Kate, I hoped it would come through that way.

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As a birthmother who was unable to care for her daughter due to a near-fatal injury while pregnant, this hits close to home. Thanks for writing!

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Susan, thank you for reading and for your words. x

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